Fry Guy, Wooden Outlet, and Banyan Roots: Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge, Week 16

Here’s a little quirkery (yes, I made up that word) for you to enjoy. Of course, it wouldn’t be my usual contribution to Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge without a little creepiness thrown in the mix.

Fry Guy

This little gem was the greeter at the entrance to a junk store. He was named “Fry Guy” on the sales tag, so he’s probably the former face of a fast food burger joint. He’s odd and slightly creepy with those vacant eyes and evil smile. I’m certain he’s hiding something. Why do fast food restaurants use such creepy icons?


Plug In

We could all use an extra outlet, even when standing under a giant tree in a park. This is tree graffiti on the trunk of a Banyan tree.

Banyan Roots

These Banyan tree roots sort of look like worms snaking toward the ground. A massive gnarled tangle of wickedness, they are quite possibly the root of all evil. I think Fry Guy might live inside the dark crevices of this tree.