Color Me Normal

Crayons“Don’t color outside the lines,” I said. “And make the eyes blue.”

“I like to do it my way. Use different colors. Change the shapes a little,” replied Opal as she chewed the inside of her cheek. Coloring took a lot of concentration.

Exasperated, I said, “Are you using orange for the eyes? And blue for the skin? Giant blue ears are scary. You made them almost as big as the head.” It was a horrifying representation of a young girl with her dog. Who ever heard of a girl with giant blue ears and orange eyes walking a green dog with yellow polka dots?

“Can you at least make the hair normal?” I asked.

“Whatever,” she said with a crooked smirk.

Opal frantically colored the girl’s hair, swirling and scratching with violet and indigo until she created what looked like a bruised and battered Medusa head. Satisfied with her work, she leaned back in her chair and flashed a dazzling smile at me. Her sizzling red, coiled tresses and protruding ears eerily resembled her drawing.

“I’m all done. What do you think?” Opal asked.

“I think I’m a little worried.”

“I’m gonna sign my name now. Ready?”

With hesitation, I said, “Ready.”

Using the black crayon, Opal scrawled her name in big, wobbly letters. As she trailed off at the end of the L, the room seemed to spin. I felt as if I were caught in a vacuum, the air sucked upward. Then, in the next instant, I became real, a real girl plucked from the pages of a child’s coloring book.

I stood in front of Opal with my Dumbo ears, feral hair and carroty eyes, and tried to look happy. She covered her mouth with her tiny hands as a giggle escaped. I looked down at my grassy green dog and cringed. I mumbled a wish to be normal, pretty.

Opal said proudly, “You are normal and pretty. I made you look just like me.”

This fantastical story was written for Trifecta. This week’s challenge was to write a story or poem between 33 and 333 words containing the third definition of the word: WHATEVER (adverb) Used to show that something is not important.

I also incorporated The Daily Post’s daily writing prompt to use Roy G. Big – that is, all seven colors of the rainbow — Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet — somewhere in the story.

Fertile Ground: A Friday Fictioneers Tale

Friday Fictioneers 01-03

The gnarly tree sprouted from the earth with a colossal crack and pop heard for miles. Windows shattered. Foundations trembled. Townspeople stumbled from their snug beds and gawked at it with wonderment.

Fantastical rumors and speculation flowed unbridled throughout the valley. How had the tree grown so vast, so quickly? It was a marvel, a miracle of nature.

As the people rambled about the newborn spectacle, a dainty dog moseyed up to the knobby trunk, sniffed, squatted, and deposited her organic fertilizer. Instantly, the tree grew several more inches, and a collective sigh of understanding undulated through the crowd.

This is my first story of 2014. I decided to start off the year with something lighthearted and humorous instead of my usual doom and gloom. I thought the cute photo prompt of Rochelle’s daughter-in-law’s tree-climbing dog deserved something fairy tale-ish. If you would like to read the other 100 word stories for Friday Fictioneers, click here.

Momma Needs a New Shoe: A Friday Fictioneers Tale

Friday Fictioneers 12-13

Copyright – Adam Ickes

The ramshackle shoe house was bursting at its seams, a perceptible throb of breeding junk and unruly children. Gertie stood on the rotting deck and marveled at it with contempt. Her 50 years amounted to a surplus of misfortune crammed into a leathery hovel.

Discouraged, she shouted, “That’s it! This ain’t no life!”

The crunch of tires on gravel broke her self-pitying rant as her husband’s jalopy sputtered up the drive. A smile replaced her puckered brow. He hobbled from the truck and mumbled, “I suspected you needed more room what with this brood and junk, so I bought you a matchin’ shoe house.”

This fairy tale was written for Friday Fictioneers photo prompt and hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Check out the other stories/poems here. The challenge was to write a 100-word story based on the photo. I admit my story is 104 words. I tried to shave it down but decided since I’ve never gone over before, I would be forgiven, hopefully.

My Newly Published Short Story

I’m excited to announce that one of my fiction short stories is published in the October 2013 issue of Foliate Oak Literary Magazine. Here is a link to the story if you wold like to read it:

The Spring Offering

A strange little piece of myth and folklore.

Photo Source

Please leave me a comment here, and let me know what you think about the story. I appreciate feedback.

I would like to thank Foliate Oak for publishing my story. I would also like to send out a “Thanks” to fellow blogger Michael Alexander Chaney, whose posting, Top 10 Literary Magazines to Send Your Best Flash (and Maybe Get Accepted Too), led me to Foliate Oak in the first place. I don’t think I would have discovered the magazine on my own.