Be My Light or Don’t

Friday Fictioneers 02-07

Copyright – Dawn M. Miller

Don’t appraise my messy mind

or feign to understand my plight

Sympathetic eyes do judge

the pity extinguishes my glow

Lightly be my friend in life

or heavily be my foe. Continue reading

Trifextra Week Ninety: More Frightening than the Darkness

More Frightening than the Darkness

Unattainable peace through the barrel of a gun

Exploitative power in the guise of faith

Habitual hate through the ignorance of tradition

Intolerance. Prejudice. Repression. Separation.

Helplessly turning a blind eye. Silence. Defeat.

Written for Trifecta’s Trifextra Weekend Challenge. Our task this weekend was to write about what scares you in exactly 33 words. Many things scare me, but I think I covered a plethora of fears in my poem.

Trifextra Week Eighty-Three: The Droplet

Rosemary DropletsWindow of nature

Radiant dewdrop of life

Slips away unsung

This weekend Trifextra challenge was to write a haiku. The photograph of the morning dew on my rosemary plant was my inspiration. I love the reflection of the plant in the water droplet.

Something must be wrong with me. I’ve contracted a sweet writing disease. Fear not. The disorienting poetry fever will pass, and I shall return to my roots of the melancholy and weird, soon.

Trifecta Weekend Challenge: Perennial Love

Let me start by saying poetry is not part of my repertoire, nor is happy writing. For the Trifextra: Week Eighty-One prompt, Trifecta asked for “soul-soaring happiness” because we’ve turned too gloomy and doomy, of late. I tried some light and joy in the form of a poem, a little alliteration overload. (I can already hear the snickering.) Oh, and it had to be exactly 33 words.

Our inspiration this week was this fantastic photo: One year in one image by Eirik Solheim. Each thin section of the photo represents a different day of the year. It’s quite an amazing image.

Eirik Solheim Photo

Perennial Love

Our passion is perennial

enduring the blossoming of brilliant beginnings

the heat of feverish firsts

the frost of fleeting farewells

a blizzard of bonding breath

Our evolution of the endless seasons of love