Be My Light or Don’t

Friday Fictioneers 02-07

Copyright – Dawn M. Miller

Don’t appraise my messy mind

or feign to understand my plight

Sympathetic eyes do judge

the pity extinguishes my glow

Lightly be my friend in life

or heavily be my foe.

Don’t whisper my secrets to the breeze

or profess to grasp their worth

Parted lips do injure

the rumors smother my spark

Gently be my shield from the battle

or cowardly slay my heart.

Don’t exploit my faithful commitment

or pretend to want my embrace

Disloyal hands do spoil

the deceit poisons my trust

Passionately be my one true love

or callously pull my plug.


I’m not a poet, but I thought I would try my hand at it this week for Friday Fictioneers photo prompt. Sharing my poetry makes me feel exposed and a little nervous. I hope you liked it.

Check out some other great works of the Friday Fictioneers literature here.

As an added bonus, below is a short story I wrote for the photo prompt, in case the poem didn’t do it for you. It’s a few words over the 100 word limit.


Silent Auction

Placed in a haphazard row, some elaborate and exotic, others simple and subdued, they wait for the bidding to start. The auctioneer announces he’s ready to begin. The eager buyers grow quiet.

“First up, we have a stunning beauty in red, ready to light up your life. Opening bid is $1000.”

The battle begins and continues until all the objects are sold. As the buyers leave, they congratulate the auctioneer on another spectacular offering.

“Great show!” the man says with a wink, his prize in tow. “I can’t wait to get mine home.”

The auctioneer replies, “Ah, she’s a beauty, a lovely bedroom decoration. Enjoy your new bride.”

29 thoughts on “Be My Light or Don’t

  1. You’re poem was my favorite of the two. I too feel more vulnerable sharing poetry. But there is so much strength in sharing our soft underbellies. Thank you it was complexly beautiful.

  2. You did a fabulous job with the poetry. I like the many references to light. My favorite, “The rumors smother my spark.” Your story was great, too, but I would not pay 1,000 for a lamp! I hope it’s as fulfilling as a bride. Good one!

  3. Of the two I like the poem more. Both tell an interesting and easily understood story. The poem has more emotional punch and is easier for me to relate to because I’ve felt that way in the past. Go ahead and share more poetry! You’re good at it.

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